Returns, Replacement, Refunds & Cancellation

Returns & Replacement

  • We accept returns within 2 days of the delivery of the product, only if the product is damaged.
  • For returns or replacements of products, customers should send a video of the items via email or whatsapp within 24 hours of delivery of the order.
  • In case of returns, the buyer must bear the entire cost of shipping the product(s) both ways.
  • Products have to be returned in the original packaging.
  • The returns will not be accepted if the product is damaged.
  • After examining the returned product, we will send a confirmation regarding replacement or refund.
  • Replacement depends upon the availability of identical pieces, otherwise the customer will have to select another product of the same price.
  • If damage is caused to the goods during transit, will offer repair service for free of cost, depending upon the availability of replacement parts. However, the buyer will have to bear the shipment cost to & fro.
  • We have tried to display the colors of our products as accurately as possible on the website. However, as computer/device monitors vary, we cannot guarantee that the color/shade that is visible to you will be completely accurate.
  • We have tried our level best to provide the accurate dimensions and weights of the products. Hence, we will not be able to accept returns on the basis of the products being too long or too heavy.
  • Please do not courier the product to us without authorization by our team. We will not offer any refund in such cases.
  • Unidentified items will be returned to the sender.
  • All returns/refunds are subject to the discretion of


  • Once we receive your request, our executive will review your case and give you an amicable solution.
  • Your refund will be issued as follows:

-Bank Transfer for cash on delivery orders within 5 to 7 days from the date of authorization.

-In case of prepaid orders, the amount will be refunded to your bank by the payment gateway within 5 to 10 days from the date of authorization.


We do not accept any cancellations once the order is placed and paid for on our website.

We accept wholesale orders. Email your inquiries at